Surprising new lockdown rules in Bogotá

The latest measures come as a surprise to many, as they are much lighter than had been expected

New lockdown rules in Bogotá. Photo Emma Newbery

The latest round of coronavirus restrictions in Bogotá are set to be much less strict than we’ve previously seen. There are still restrictions, of course, but at least in the short term you should find things generally more open from now.

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First up, there’ll be something called a special restriction on movement for the weekend. The curfew from 8pm-4am expires on Thursday at 23:59 and will be replaced with a 10pm curfew for this weekend. After that, no plans as yet for another curfew.

Next, shops can open as normal, and it appears that restaurants and bars also can, as long as they obey all general distancing rules and close at 10 pm. However, parks will be closed where possible, and the ciclovía will not be in operation.

Read also: How to get a coronavirus test in Bogotá

All areas in localised lockdown in Bogotá will come out of their lockdown on Thursday at 23:59, so the city will finish January on an equal footing. Pico y cédula will stay in operation until the 31st of January, however.

The decision to close parks and outside spaces, whilst simultaneously allowing inside spaces to open has attracted understandable criticism from some quarters. On the other hand, there are those that would prefer heightened measures to continue or increase, being as ICU occupancy remains above 90%. Time will tell. And of course, the rules could change again tomorrow.

Related: What is happening with the vaccine in Colombia?

Strict lockdown in areas around the city

Smaller areas (UPZ) in the localidades Suba, Engativá, Fontibón, Kennedy and Usaquén where cases are still high, will see a new strict quarantine. The quarantine will come into effect from January 29 11:59 pm until February 12 11:59 pm. See the image below.

Oli Pritchard: